
How high creatinine patients to recuperate

This is the problem the majority of kidney patients and friends are very concerned about the high creatinine patients, in addition to the usual treatment, but also should pay attention to diet conditioning. Creatinine high into the kidney damage is a very obvious stage renal disease laboratory indicators. In this case, patients with high creatinine addition to actively cooperate with treatment, the high creatinine conditioning is very important, please nephropathy following health counseling network Dr. Ren Lidan give you on how high creatinine patients to recuperate?

How high creatinine patients to recuperate it?

1, the protein supply: protein supply: since the emergence of azotemia in patients with renal insufficiency, renal function continued to deteriorate in order to control, should be controlled protein intake, high-quality selection of high-quality protein-rich diet.

2, vitamin intake: renal failure patients with high creatinine should choose foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C foods.

3, the amount of salt restriction: the case if the patient also appeared high creatinine severe edema, and high blood pressure and even heart failure cases should be strictly limited ban salt.

How high creatinine patients to recuperate? For how high creatinine patients to recuperate, I believe we have to understand this, and we want to help. If the patient is suffering from high disease creatinine sure timely to the hospital for detailed examination, effective inspection can help treat.


