
You know the symptoms of high creatinine yet

You know the symptoms of high creatinine it? Many patients with kidney disease will appear high creatinine situation, then there will be high creatinine What are the symptoms of it? Many kidney patients even if symptoms of high creatinine not know if this is the reaction high creatinine article please kidney disease experts to explain to you in detail.

1. eyelid edema often start (start with lower limb edema in some patients start), seriously affect the body even pleural effusion and ascites.

2. High blood pressure is one of the high performance of creatinine.

3. Frequent urination (more often), urinary urgency (wait any longer urine), dysuria (pain when urinating lower abdomen and urethra).

4. Most back pain is dull, surgical disease may be severe cramps.

5. That hematuria urine contains blood cells, or occult blood test shows positive (plus sign).

6. Multi more than 2500 ml of urine every day and night called polyuria.

7. little or no urine less than 400 ml per day and night called oliguria, called no less than 100 milliliters of urine.

8. urine foam more likely to be an increase in urinary protein expression, protein positive urine tests are reliable evidence of increased urinary protein.

You know the symptoms of high creatinine it? When friends of patients these symptoms should go to a regular hospital for examination, and follow the doctor's advice.


