
What are the reasons for the high creatinine?

What are the reasons for the high creatinine? We all know, elevated creatinine indicates glomerular lesions occurred, that is to say by the danger of kidney, kidney danger that we might have life can not get rid of it torture. In order to better stay away from kidney disease, we must first understand what is Creatinine? Creatinine Why herald the advent of kidney disease, because what is it?

Creatinine, serum creatinine and urine creatinine points, muscles in the human body metabolites, excreted via the kidney glomerular filtration. If the serum creatinine values ​​and urine creatinine values ​​increased glomerular means morbid symptoms appear, so the kidneys will change.

High creatinine reasons:

1, living tired, rest well. Pay attention to the details of life, in unknown circumstances taking drugs damage the kidneys; long-term hematuria, proteinuria; hypertension, blood pressure instability phenomenon will appear high creatinine.

2, the body of water loss. Fever, sweating, reducing water intake, polyuria lead to blood concentration, decreased renal blood flow, there may be elevated creatinine phenomenon.

3, patients with existing kidney disease, due to the relapse, oliguria, even anuria phenomenon, can be combined with acute renal failure, resulting in elevated serum creatinine.

4, not able to control high blood pressure, long-term moderate and heavy proteinuria (total 24 hours proteinuria greater than 1g or 1.5g), can slow progression elevated serum creatinine.

High creatinine must go to a regular hospital for examination, when the time was diagnosed with kidney disease, kidney hospital in time to a professional for treatment and timely control of the disease extension, for a speedy recovery of great benefit.


